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Inspiring People Worldwide


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Women And Girls

I am no bird; and no net ensnares me; I am a free
human being with an independent will. 

 Charlotte Bronte, Jane Eyre

Awakenings Spotlight

Miss J Shines! 

This year Awakenings will be spotlighting Jada, my daughter, my inspiration. She is truly blessed artistically in the areas of music and creative songs. She blessed so many people Christmas Day 2023 that I wanted to share with you her ministry gift in song.


So watch this video and enjoy as Miss J shines!

Also join us throughout the year as we capture special moments in Miss J's life and what she is doing in 2024. For more details click here.


Awakenings LLC is literally an attempt to awaken people to pursue their dreams by creating opportunities to enhance their life and work skills. These opportunities exist via online and in person events and activities as well as exposure to travel to expand your access. Projects created by Awakenings:


Phone: 252-402-3606

Registered Charity: 12345-67

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